Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Strange Friendship

When I got engaged, I never would have thought that four years later we would be about 3 days away with children by different people but still have a great friendship.

It's so odd to me, in a way, that two people that were once engaged could have what my ex fiancé and I share. We're pretty tight.

I think it has to do with the fact that we started so young and we really were best friends in our relationships (there were many). It has been one of the few that I have experienced where I was accepted by his family & he was accepted by mine. We observed each other's families. We basically grew up together.

He did his best to teach me to drive. I was there when his mother passed away. He worked with my dad. I tutored his mom :P We wrote each other everyday when he was in basics & I even got to go to his graduation for it. We would go out and do something almost every weekend. I'd say we were a very active couple. I even liked his friends.

It's so odd that now I love his wife & am excited about his baby boy. I'm even excited about meeting her when she gets here after he's deployed.

I could talk to him about anything. Since he's seen how my family is, he can really understand when I have issues with them. But he also always has my back.


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