Thursday, December 16, 2010

Facebook Hiatus

This is my third day on my 5 day Facebook hiatus. It's quite bittersweet, but enlightening. I think I've learned how to use it.

When you get wrapped up in social networking, you can actually lose social skills. This isn't necessarily everyone's story, but I think it's mine. I used to love talking to people on the phone! Especially for work. Now, I dread calling anyone. I'd rather just text them.

You may think that it's more of a texting addiction, but I had a texting addiction when I loved talking on the phone. I know it's Facebook because I've made it my life, pretty much. Posting tons of pictures of my son & telling the world what I'm thinking or doing atleast 10 times a day.

People don't need to know this much about me without being a close friend or relative. A lot of that information is something people ask.

The world has changed. The last few guys I've dated have not called. They texted. Needless to say, they didn't work out. Facebook & texting are taking away very valuable face (and voice) time.

This overexposure is taking the healthy mystery out of life.

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